Looking at the Insanity that's in Politics, the world. The Views, Opinions and Commentary of Magnum Serpentine.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

And I have been proven wrong.

...... And I have been proven wrong.

Or was I? Sure, Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts voted that the bill was Constitutional. However his gang of 4 thugs voted Unconstitutional.

Why did Roberts do this? Who knows? Did he read my blog? Did he get afraid of being Impeached which was moving in the Congress at the time of this decision?
I can't say. I can't say why Roberts choose to support the people for a change and vote Affordable healthcare Constitutional.

Oh, Willard Romney continue spewing your filth. You sound stupid on the air. And stop wasting airtime someone more important needs it, you corporate raider you!

If anyone feels I owe them an Apology, please remember I said "Prove me wrong." And I was proven wrong.

Good day.

(I noticed that all I said (See below) was will I be proven wrong. And so I have been proven wrong. )

Second UPDATE:
(Friends told me I did say Prove me wrong on my Tweeter post)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012



Tomorrow, the Republican'ts will celebrate. They will consider this a blow, no, a nuclear attack on President Obama's efforts at re-election. They will say that there is no way he can win when Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts and his gang of 4 brainless, Mindless thugs declare needed healthcare Unconstitutional.

I bet in parts of the South, there will be people driving up and down the streets proclaiming loudly that President Obama just lost the election.

I would like to ask the Republican'ts... Now what? 

What are you going to do to help the 100 million Americans who will lose Healthcare at a stroke of a pen by Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts?  When those who  benefited from President Obama's needed healthcare ask you, what will you tell them? What do you have to say to those 100 or so million Americans who will lose healthcare?

What about those who will lose healthcare due to pre-existing conditions? They will get NO healthcare because the Republican't Supreme Court will declare the entire healthcare law Unconstitutional. So with no protection for Pre-existing conditions, those who just lost their Healthcare, will probably have no healthcare at all. Probably forever too.

What about the Senior Citizens? They will see their medical prescriptions Go up 200 or more % tomorrow. They will have to make the choice between food and medication that they cannot afford thanks to the Republican'ts and Judicial Activist John Roberts.

So, while you celebrate your tainted victory, just remember those you will harm tomorrow...


If the Republican't party had any decency to them, they would be lining up to Impeach and Remove Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts from the Supreme Court tomorrow.

And I wonder how John Roberts can sleep at night, knowing that he has the blood of Millions of Americans on his hands because he declared President Obama's needed healthcare Unconstitutional.

Things look extremely bad for Disabled, those with Pre-existing conditions and our Senior Citizens.

Please Remember that it is the Republican't party that opposed President Obama's needed healthcare.

Remember what the Republican'ts did to you, and on Election Day in November 2012AD, vote every single Republican't OUT OF OFFICE!!!

And thats my opinion.

Friday, June 22, 2012

5 to 4.


(This is my opinion on how I think the Court will vote on Needed Healthcare... Am I right or will I be proven wrong?)

Very Soon, the United States Supreme Court will rule on Needed healthcare for all Citizens.

That vote will be 5-4. 5 Justices for overturning needed healthcare for the Citizens. 4 for keeping it.

Do I have some secret inside information? No. Then how Do I know this will be the result? Simple. Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts is in the back pocket of Big Pharma, Big Health Insurance Industry, and the Family Rights Movement is his master. (remember Citizens United, Which has become the Dread Scott Decision of the 21st Century? That's more than enough proof that Roberts is biased and partisan.) They have ordered him to vote to Declare needed healthcare Unconstitutional. And Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts will perform for his Masters and vote for it to be Unconstitutional.

The result will be disastrous. Poor, Seniors, Disabled will instantly lose their healthcare. Those with pre-existing conditions will not have any Healthcare because the old laws will return. These old laws allow Health Insurance Industry to reject anyone with a pre-existing condition. Prices will skyrocket, especially for Insurance. The reason for this is simple. People who can afford Insurance will have to go to them for it. And they can charge through the nose for their insurance. Because US Supreme Court Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts will remove laws that force Insurance to offer fair rates. Roberts will perform, as expected.

The Family Rights Movement screams, "So you mean those adults who are 26 are still children?" This is how the Church justifies their opposition to this part of Needed Healthcare. The real reason that Adult Children are allowed on their Parents health insurance, is that Health Insurance is so expensive that by remaining on their parents insurance will give starting families time to build up finances in order to afford Insurance. It puzzles me why Family Rights Movement is against Needed Healthcare. It helps families. Then I remember... The Church is against anything that President Obama does. The Church has even changed its views just because President Obama happened to support the same views as the fundamentalist church.

How much longer will America allow Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts to take away our freedoms, our rights, our right to needed healthcare before they cry out, enough is enough and demand Congress impeach and remove Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts from the Bench and the bar.

As you people, who supported ending Needed healthcare, celebrate... I hope the images of seniors, disabled, and those who cannot afford healthcare interrupt your celebrations. I hope all you can think of are those people you have harmed by pushing Roberts to declare Needed Healthcare, Unconstitutional.

I don't think anyone in the Family Rights Movement has a conscious. They are Robots.

I wonder how Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts can sleep at night, knowing all the harm he has done to this nation.

And that's my opinion.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Post to an MSNBC article

I should title this, Notes on a Corporate Raider named Willard Leech Romney.

I wrote this post to an article about a looser who is thinking about running as the Corporate Raider's VEEP.

This still does not improve Corporate Raider Willard Romney. I fear for the disabled & Senior Citizens if Willard Romney wins. "I am not the Benefits President, if you want someone who will defend benefits, I am not your man." Romney said this in Iowa.
Those who lost their jobs to the Corporate Raider (Millions at last count) will tell you what its like to watch Corporate Raider, Willard Romney taking your hard earned money and buying 15 mansions with it. Willard claims many got other jobs. This is a flat out lie. Out of 5 Million (or more, actually much much more) who lost jobs due to Romney, only 20,000 got perminant jobs (and those who got Perminant jobs, found that they made 70% or more less than they did before Corporate Raider Willard Leech Romney came to town). A few got Temp jobs that died as soon as the press went away. The rest got nothing.
Romney is a leech. He leeches off hard working Americans. Romney has no shame. He enjoys firing people. He loves watching the wrecking ball take down our factories. All in the name of Romney's God: Money.
Romney wants to force Mormon values on everyone which include forcing Senior Citizens and the Disabled to move in with their children or parents. He says the Government should not take care of the Disabled Leeches that drain money from Defense. Romney believes the family, not Government should take care of the Seniors and Disabled. problem is, Seniors do not want to be a drain on their Children and Disabled want to live alone independently. But Romney wants to leech money for himself so,
God help us if Corporate Raider Willard Romney should win in 2012. When he is done with the USA we will be just a husk. Nothing more.
And this is just my opinion.

Let me Repeat something here... Corporate Raider Willard Leech Romney does not care for the Poor, He does not care for the Disabled, He does not care for our Senior Citizens, he does not care about jobs, he does not care about the economy. All Corporate Raider Willard Leech Romney cares about is spreading the Mormon religion and leeching all the money from we the people. Leech Romney wants to spend our hard earned money for himself.

Maybe now, you citizens, will finally wake up and get out from under your delusional dreams about Corporate Raider Willard Romney and vote to re-elect President Obama in 2012.

If Corporate Raider Willard Leech Romney wins, May God help us and protect us from this Monster, this leech...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

What has become of the State of Michigan?

The State of Michigan use to be a pretty good state to live in. It use to be one of the most free states in this union. However, suddenly, Michigan citizens are watching their Civil Rights vanish right before their eyes.

So what has happened to cause this?

Election of 2010.

Thats what.

When the Grand Obstructionist Party was campaigning in Michigan, they promised jobs jobs and oh yes jobs. They promised to repair the economy.

Instead, the Tea Baggers in the Michigan Republican Party used their victory to get things done their way. Watching the animals in the House of Representatives in Michigan, one begins to wonder if they are not behaving as if they know they are on borrowed time. Its as if they know they do not have a lot of time to fix things up for their Masters in the Family Rights Movement.

The Family Rights movement has given the Michigan state GOP a long shopping list of things they want done. Understand here, Ladies and Gentlemen, that shopping list DOES NOT include repairing the Michigan Economy or getting jobs for the citizens of Michigan.

Surprised? I am not.

The Michigan Candidates lied to get into the state house and now they know they are exposed for what they are, they intend to do as much harm as possible before the citizens kick them out in the 2012 election.

The Michigan Teabaggers made sure they could take over the various democratically elected governments via emergency declaration. This is so that the Family Rights Movement can make sure none of the Cities or Towns in Michigan make themselves safe havens for Abortion, Immigrants and other things that the Family Rights Movement hates.

And we have seen how the Michigan GOP in the House and Senate railroaded numerous laws through the state house where the Teabagger Governor signed them so fast his pen melted.

With the Fundamentalist Reconstructionist takeover of Michigan, we can now see what the Fundamentalist have in store for the USA, should they win both houses of Congress and the Presidency. Total ruin for the nation. We have seen how the Michigan GOP promised jobs, but instead, took away Abortion rights. The Obstructionist promised to fix the economy but instead they fixed it so the Church can run wild throughout the state. The Michigan Grand Obstructionist Party of the No and Teabaggers have destroyed Women's rights, they have shut down family help centers, taken away Medicaid from the elderly and kicked Disabled to the curb.

Let this be a warning for our nation. Give the National Republican't party both houses and the Presidency in Washington, and watch them turn the nation over to the Fundamentalist. The GOP will not concentrate on Jobs, or fixing the economy. They will cut cut cut and cut some more needed programs for the Elderly, the Disabled, Women and minorities. They will Cut cut cut and cut some more veterans benefits for our retired soldiers. The GOP will Cut Cut Cut and Cut some more programs to help children go to Kindergarten.
The GOP will cut cut cut and cut some more free lunch programs for the children.
The GOP will Cut Cut Cut and Cut some more free health programs for the disabled, seniors and the poor. The GOP will end programs that help the Poor get apartments, the GOP will say that the poor can take on two or even three jobs, just don't leach off the Filthy Rich Class.

Please listen to the warning that is Michigan, Citizens... Watch how the GOP has destroyed a very good state. The GOP in Michigan Ended Womens Rights, rights for children, Rights for Senior Citizens, Rights for our most vulnerable citizens.

Please listen to the warning that is Michigan. And in 2012 vote for President Obama and vote in Democrats... Our Children's safety and well being are at stake.

Corporate Raider Willard Romney has said he is not the Benefits President and for us to elect someone else who will protect Social Security, free lunch for kids, and free medical care for the poor and help for rent for the poor.

God help us if Corporate Raider Willard Romney wins the White House in 2012AD.

The Grand Obstructionist Party of Michigan, winner of the Shame on you award for 17 June 2012AD