Looking at the Insanity that's in Politics, the world. The Views, Opinions and Commentary of Magnum Serpentine.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Post to an MSNBC article

I should title this, Notes on a Corporate Raider named Willard Leech Romney.

I wrote this post to an article about a looser who is thinking about running as the Corporate Raider's VEEP.

This still does not improve Corporate Raider Willard Romney. I fear for the disabled & Senior Citizens if Willard Romney wins. "I am not the Benefits President, if you want someone who will defend benefits, I am not your man." Romney said this in Iowa.
Those who lost their jobs to the Corporate Raider (Millions at last count) will tell you what its like to watch Corporate Raider, Willard Romney taking your hard earned money and buying 15 mansions with it. Willard claims many got other jobs. This is a flat out lie. Out of 5 Million (or more, actually much much more) who lost jobs due to Romney, only 20,000 got perminant jobs (and those who got Perminant jobs, found that they made 70% or more less than they did before Corporate Raider Willard Leech Romney came to town). A few got Temp jobs that died as soon as the press went away. The rest got nothing.
Romney is a leech. He leeches off hard working Americans. Romney has no shame. He enjoys firing people. He loves watching the wrecking ball take down our factories. All in the name of Romney's God: Money.
Romney wants to force Mormon values on everyone which include forcing Senior Citizens and the Disabled to move in with their children or parents. He says the Government should not take care of the Disabled Leeches that drain money from Defense. Romney believes the family, not Government should take care of the Seniors and Disabled. problem is, Seniors do not want to be a drain on their Children and Disabled want to live alone independently. But Romney wants to leech money for himself so,
God help us if Corporate Raider Willard Romney should win in 2012. When he is done with the USA we will be just a husk. Nothing more.
And this is just my opinion.

Let me Repeat something here... Corporate Raider Willard Leech Romney does not care for the Poor, He does not care for the Disabled, He does not care for our Senior Citizens, he does not care about jobs, he does not care about the economy. All Corporate Raider Willard Leech Romney cares about is spreading the Mormon religion and leeching all the money from we the people. Leech Romney wants to spend our hard earned money for himself.

Maybe now, you citizens, will finally wake up and get out from under your delusional dreams about Corporate Raider Willard Romney and vote to re-elect President Obama in 2012.

If Corporate Raider Willard Leech Romney wins, May God help us and protect us from this Monster, this leech...

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