Looking at the Insanity that's in Politics, the world. The Views, Opinions and Commentary of Magnum Serpentine.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Shame on the Competitive Enterprise Institute

WWF Earth Day Website

This Saturday 31 March 2012 is Earth Hour. It is a time when everyone is asked to turn off the lights to save energy. Its a very good cause and it is very useful.

Not useful at all is the stupid Competitive Enterprise Institute's Hour of Human Achievement. They feel they just have to oppose Earth Hour. Why? Good question, I feel its because they see it as an attack on their Republican't Life Style and on their Billionare and Trillionare Oil and Coal Energy friends.

Can you see how stupid the CEI's Hour of Human Achievement is? the Earth Hour saves energy, While, CEI calls for being wasteful (Leaving lights on, doing laundry, showering all at once it seems) The way its wasteful to me is that it calls for doing them at the same hour as Earth Hour.

Stupidity in excess.

Competitive Enterprise Institute, you just won my Shame on you award!!!

And this is my Opinion.


I have many questions for the Republican'ts and the Church. (Generally when I say Church, I am not referring to the main line Church, but the Fundamentalist )

1. Why hate the poor? Why not help them? Welfare did not need to be wrecked. All that needed to be done was to re-work it, make it better. But NOOOOOOOO the Fundies and the Occupied Republican'ts could only think of one thing... That the people who were on Welfare and Food Stamps were.... Leeches.

Quote one. "Mothers must stay home and care for the families." From a well known Fundamentalist Family Rights Movement website. "Studies show that having a parent at home all the time is very meaningful for the child." From the same famous Fundamentalist Family rights Site.

Reality: Fundamentalist and Republican'ts end Welfare as we know it thus forcing many into the streets. Fundamentalist Church and taken over Republican't party say no work, no food. No work, No Home. And then they demand the Mothers work along side their husbands at the local fast food joint. This is in total opposition to what they were saying about the Mother staying home.

Its worse than that. After questioning one of these fundies, I found out... That what they meant by the stay at home comment... Was the Wealthy billionares wives should stay home. This did not apply to the Poor.

I call it being a Hypocrite.

So... Why do the Church and the Republican'ts hate the poor so much that they would rather see them in Slave Labor than receiving help from either State or Federal sources?

Two. Why does the Fundamentalist treat the needy as if they were leeches? Jesus Christ himself said help them and he put no conditions on ending that help... Those who attach conditions to the poor and help, were Christians who came along long after Jesus was here.

I would think the Fundamentalist Church would be behind such things as Food Stamps and Welfare. However its totally Opposite. And so my Second Question is why? Why not help the poor instead of calling them leeches.

Good day.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The October Surprise

Lets put two and two together.

First, Acting President George the spoiled Child nominates Fundamentalist lap dog John Roberts to be Chief Judicial Activist. Next, President Obama is successful in getting the Poor Needed health Care via the Universal Healtcare Act.

Now we are in an election year. the Republican'ts have once again called on their puppet, John Roberts to rule Universal Healtcare Unconstitutional so that the Republican'ts can use this as the October Surprise.

Yes ladies and gentlemen. The Republican't Party would sacrifice healthcare for the poor by axing needed healthcare in order to defeat President Obama this November.

Its a shame that the Republican'ts would do such a thing.

Winner of the 28 March 2012 Shame on you award The Republican't Party. Winner of the Liar Liar Pants on Fire award, that First Class Liar, Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts for making the October Surprise Possible.

And all this is my Opinion.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lawrence O'Donnell... Hero

Follow this link

Mr. O'Donnell is a hero for asking the kinds of questions he would had asked to Zimmerman's attorney. Well done, Lawrence O'Donnell...

Lawrence O'Donnell added to my list of cool people

I hope the Fundies are Happy

I predicted this years ago. United States Supreme Court Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts and his gang of 4 thugs WILL kill Universal Healthcare. The vote will be 5 to 4. I predicted this 2 years ago in fact because I know that Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts doesn't possess an independent thought in his vial and twisted body. His master are the Fundamentalist Church and the Republican't party.

The Republican'ts want Universal Healthcare unconstitutional because of their continued war on the Poor, because of the Republican't war on Women and because they want Obama to be a one term president.

The Church wants it unconstitutional because they fear Socialism (this is not socialism). However the most sinister reason is because the Fundamentalist Church wants the Citizens of the USA to be very dependent upon the Fundamentalist Church. The Fundamentalist Church wants to control every aspect of our lives.

Its sad that the USA will continue to be the worse nation in the world in how it cares for its poor, and how it cares for its disabled and for Healthcare. All in the name of keeping the people dependent upon the Fundamentalist Church.

There is nothing left to do now, except put extreme pressure on your representatives and Senators by jamming the phone lines and their E-mail box with demands that Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts be impeached and removed from the bench.

Violence is never the answer. Please, when you write or call your senators and congressmen, be polite, be business like, and keep to the point. Say "I feel that John Roberts will never be fair and impartial and thus I request you, (Senator or Congressman) impeach and remove Chief Justice John Roberts from the bench"

Thats it, no threats, no bad language, just business like.

This is a very sad day in the history of the United States of America. Its a Shame that the Fundamentalist Church holds so much power.

And thats my opinion.