Looking at the Insanity that's in Politics, the world. The Views, Opinions and Commentary of Magnum Serpentine.

Monday, April 30, 2012

A post I made to You Tube.

 Hello Everyone, I have been sick for a while, sorry for not posting. I found this video on You Tube I really enjoy it.
President Obama

Here is what I said in a post to that video.

I use to be a Republican. I did not leave the Party, they left me and everyone who believed in what Eisenhower believed in. Eisenhower built the Interstate. Building the Interstate would not be possible in today's Republican't party. Today, I look around, I don't see the party I use to be a member of, I see a party enslaved to the Fundies, the Bankers, Tea Party, and the Insurance Industry. Where is my republican party that believed in Compromise and working together? Seems its gone forever. :(

I will try to post more often we will see how I feel. Good day everyone.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

And so Science dies in the Fundamentalist Church State of Tennessee

I have seen stupid people, then there are stupid representatives like Bill Dunn a Republican't Fundamentalist Extremest. But Representative Dunn is not alone in the stupidity here. The Great and all might Leader of the Fascist State of Tennessee, Fuhrer Bill Haslam is also at fault for gleefully and cheerfully signing the law that will set Tennessee Education back to the Stone Ages.

This Bill of Tennessee is simply a stealth measure allowing the ability of the Stupid State to teach Creation and Intelligent Design. Remember the Supreme Court has already ruled that this is extremely illegal. So there will be court fights.

Then again, Fuhrer Bill Haslam knows that Supreme Court Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts is under the control of his own Masters, that is, Roberts is controlled By the fundamentalist church, so Maybe Fuhrer Haslam has already been told that Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts will rule this bill constitutional simply because his masters have told him to do so.

State Rep Bill Dunn, State Rep Harry Brooks, and Tennessee Fuhrer Bill Haslam, Today share the prize, Liar Liar Pants on Fire Award.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts and his gang of thugs strike again

The Stupid Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts has struck again. This time they said Strip Searches are legal no matter if the person is at a security line with the TSA or jailed for a minor offense.

The Chief Justice is on a power trip. He loves the rush it gives him to ruin other peoples lives and to endanger the innocent.

Call your congressmen and Senator... Demand they remove John Roberts and his gang of 4 thugs from the bench NOW!!!