Looking at the Insanity that's in Politics, the world. The Views, Opinions and Commentary of Magnum Serpentine.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

North Carolina at the edge of Despotism

UPDATE: Watch North Carolina Governors video asking North Carolina Citizens to vote No to Draconian Despotism Amendment One.

North Carolina is diving deeper into despotism. The Tyranny of the Church is about to be poured out onto the Citizens of North Carolina.

Amendment one.

North Carolina's Constitutional Amendment one will:
1. Declare Equal Marriage illegal.
2. Outlaw people who are not married from living together.
3. And Dispite what Paul Stam the Majority leader of North Carolina says, will end Healthcare for untold millions of Children in North Carolina.
4. This bill might outlaw Homosexuality.
5. This bill will strip womens rights. Yes it will. Domestic Violence laws will be stripped to the point that the penalties are meaningless.
6. This Bill will declare all Equal Marriages in North Carolina, illegal and dissolved. However, that'ts not all. It will declare all Equal Marriages ACROSS THE USA, invalidated. So if your in a good marriage in Iowa, or Vermont etc, this law, according to North Carolina, will invalidate it.

I would appeal to the people of North Carolina to vote down this law. However the Church has told them a no vote is a ticket to Hell. So the North Carolina SHEEP will do as their Masters in the Fundamentalist Church demand and will vote yes on this amendment. Besides, even if the people did vote no, I suspect the bill will suddenly out of the blue, receive more than enough votes to pass. (Just like the second attempt by Arizona to ban Equal Marriage passed due to massive voter fraud)

I would expect the United States Supreme Court to declare this law Unconstitutional. That is I would expect it to do so, except Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts, the man with no free will, or spine, the puppet of the Fundamentalist Church, and his gang of 4 will declare this law constitutional because their Masters will order them to do so.

I doubt Governor Perdue can do anything about this since its a Constitutional Amendment.

North Carolina is under Economic Boycott. I hope any company that has business with North Carolina or inside North Carolina will pull out and go to a more free state.

In this day and age its so sad to find that Serfdom still exist in the USA.

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