Santorum is very upset that President John F. Kennedy checked his catholic faith in at the door. Santorum feels this is an attack on his religion which he intends to practice freely and very often if he becomes president (He will be doing a lot of other things too, very often, which the citizens of this nation will absolutely hate him for)
Santorum, When the great president John F. Kennedy used that phrase, what he meant was that he was the President of everyone. He would not favor one belief over another. He would not be exclusively Catholic.
Santorum reveals his true colors when he says he will practice his Fundamentalist Reconstructionism whenever and however he wants. JFK did not want to offend people. It seems Santorum only wants to offend everyone but Fundamentalist Reconstructionist.
Santorum, you jerk, President Kennedy was so concerned that many of the citizens were afraid of having a Catholic President that he assured them he would represent them all by saying he would check in his Catholism.
And what about those who choose not to have a religious belief. Oh I forgot your one of the bigoted ones who call having no faith, a religion. What about Wiccans? Oh again you feel Wicca is of Satan and should not be allowed. Too bad for you, jerk, the USSC declared Wicca a religion.
Now, not only has Santorum proven his Homophobia, but now we see that Santorum is also a Xenophobe. Xenophobe is one who is afraid of other cultures, peoples and beliefs.
If representing everyone makes you so sick, Santorum, why not drop out of the race for POTUS. Your a coward, your a looser.
Coward Santorum, Winner of the Shame on you Award and Liar Liar pants on Fire award both!!!
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