Looking at the Insanity that's in Politics, the world. The Views, Opinions and Commentary of Magnum Serpentine.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

When did things go wrong in the USA?

There is an article in MSNBC that states that its a myth that people can go from rags to riches. Finally, someone notices this myth and exposes it. I was going to post this to that topic but it got off topic so I post it here in my Blog. I will tell you, before I post my post, that I feel that if Acting President george the lessor had accepted that he had lost, instead of filed court papers with the Republican't controlled Supreme Court, That we would not be in this bad economy now. What really did us in were george's unfunded wars, Expensive new departments (Homeland Defense and TSA) and the disasterous Tax Cuts to Billionares and Trillionares.

Here is what I was going to post to MSNBC.

Things were better before Acting President george the lessor staged his coup and ousted the true President, Al Gore. george destroyed the surplus that President William Clinton created. He destroyed the trust that the Republican Party made in the 1980's, replacing it with fundamentalist reconstructionist who would rather see a disabled person die in the gutter than they getting help. (In other words, the Fundamentalist Reconstructionist Dominionist feel that a Disabled person should refuse any Government Help, even if it means the disabled person will be kicked to the curb and be homeless. Which proves just how irrational the Republican't party is and why it is no longer the GOP of President Eisenhower, and yes, Ronald Reagan). Thanks to Acting President george the lessor the world hates the USA and those close allies like Britain and Australia now hate the USA too. Thanks to george the lessor we now have the philosophy of My way or the high way instead of Compromise. george the lessor turned the republican't party into a party of profits over people where before it was people before profits.
President Obama has place tens of dozens of Jobs bills before the Congress. Before the 2010 elections, Republican Senator Joe Lieberman blocked them (He was supposedly the 60th vote to make it a super majority but as you can see that never happened thanks to george the lessors pal Teabagger and Republican't Joe "Traitor" Lieberman) after 2010 the Tea Bag Republican't party blocked each and every job bill because the Republican'ts were afraid it would fix the economy. Thanks to george the lessor, the Republican't party cheers and celebrates the bad economy and they worry when senators and congressmen propose good laws that will fix our economy so they block them.
In 2012 re-elect President Obama. If Corporate Raider Willard Romney wins, its the final nail in the coffin that use to be the United States of America.
And thats my opinion.

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