Looking at the Insanity that's in Politics, the world. The Views, Opinions and Commentary of Magnum Serpentine.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Who are you kidding Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts?

United States Supreme Court Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts said he is confident that his judges on his Supreme Court will step away if they had any conflicts with the cases they are hearing.

Mr. Roberts, why didn't you and your gang of 4 step aside when Citizens United was heard? Oh come now, Mr. Roberts, we all know that you already favored Citizens United over the Election Commission long before you even heard the case. Its also clear to me, Mr. Roberts that you were simply following orders when you voted to give Corporations human rights.

Also, we all know what will happen if an Abortion case comes your way. Mr. Roberts, you will get on the phone with one of the Various Family Rights groups and ask them how they want you to vote. Then you and your gang of 4 will vote the way they want you to vote.

Mr. Chief Judicial Activist Roberts, your court is a travesty. You are the most Judicially Active Judge in the entire history of the court. Your rulings always, always favor the Rich, the Church, or the Republican't party. I have yet to see you rule in favor of Womens Rights or the rights of citizens. Because of your rulings, your dismally awful rulings, Citizens now have to pay a Poll Tax to vote in certain states. Because of your rulings, Cities, Counties and local governments can no longer set gun regulations. Whatever happened to local rule Eh? Local Rule, you know, that's a cornerstone of the Republican't party's fight against the big national Government. Well I guess your political party fights big government, only when it benefits the Republican't party.

Shame on you award for 31 December 2011, Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts, Judicial Activist Samuel Alito, Judicial Activist Clarence Thomas, Judicial Activist Antonin Scalia, and Judicial Activist Anthony Kennedy.

And so 2011 ends...........


The worse year I have seen in a very long time. 2011 is the year that disabled people, the poor and elderly lost civil rights in many states such as the Teabag state of Tennessee, and in states like Kansas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Utah, Arizona, Louisiana, Wisconsin which has a Teabag Dictator also in charge and South Carolina and other states are on my Boycott list for a reason. Tennessee as I said, has enacted a poll tax on its citizens. Fuhrer Haslam said he would make Tennessee a Republican-Tea Bagger- Corporate friendly place and that is exactly what this Teabag Dictator did. The Voter ID laws are not there to stop illegal immigrants from voting. The Voter ID laws are there to stop Democrats from being able to vote. I bet on Election Day in Tennessee, If I walked into a voting place that's inside a well known Republican Stronghold, They will NOT be asking for your ID. But if I went to one in my own county of Davidson I could probably not even get inside the building with-out presenting a Photo ID because Davidson is inside a Democratic Stronghold.

The Church had something to do with getting this Fuhrer Haslam elected. They probably browbeat, put down or used other pressure methods to make sure their flock voted for Haslam. I would say that the FBI should probably investigate the Church in Tennessee and the IRS as well because I can tell you they heavily promoted Fuhrer Haslam and I believe these unfair methods are the single cause as to why we got this Fuhrer in the Governors House. One thing is for sure, Tennessee is controlled by the Church.

I kind of rambled on about Tennessee. The Congress was crippled by the Teabaggers. At ever turn they blocked and stalled Obama's legislation. And the Republican'ts and Teabaggers did not even offer a single bill as an alternative to the Health Care bill. Also this Teabag House of Representatives did not even offer a single Jobs bill. The Senate, under control of the brave Democrats had to do that. Then the jobs bills got stalled and killed in the House of Representatives by the Teabaggers. You know, this action of the House Teabaggers is in line with Mitch McConnell's statement that the only platform the Republican't party had for 2010-2012 was to make sure Obama was a single term President. McConnell brushed aside jobs bills, defense bills, debt bills and bills to help the elderly and disabled all in the name of making sure Obama was a single term President. So now, as a result of the Teabagger-Republican't efforts the Republican'ts in Congress have a 7 percent approval rating. Note that is not short for 70, its 7%. The Democrats have a 41% approval rating. So based on the fact that these numbers have not changed much, who do you think will win in 2012? The Republican'ts of course. The People are angry at the Republican'ts but they bow to the fear mongroling from the Republican'ts and they fear if they disobey the dictates of the Church Leaders that they will go to hell if they vote Democrat so yes, despite being the most hated bunch in the world, the Republican'ts will win both houses this November.

Of course the Voters do not have to let this happen. They can ignore the Church and the fear tactics and vote out every Republican't in office. If the Voters are true to what they feel and believe, they will vote out every single Republican't in the Senate that's running in 2012 and all the Representative Republican'ts for Democrats and independents. But I wonder if the Sheep have the guts to vote the way they want instead of voting the way the Church and Republican'ts and Neo-cons want? Prove me wrong Voters. Vote democrat-independent in 2012.

2011 saw the rise of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Its been squashed and put in a corner by Main Stream Media and the Republican'ts but for a while, it really had a very good run. Occupy Wall Street and its associated movements had the Elite and the Banks on the ropes. Then the Department of Homeland defense hatched a plan on the 15 of November in corporation with Mainstream Media (They kept the news of this to themselves instead of warning Occupy Wall Street like they should had done) and on 15 November they basically killed the movement. The Cops universal used illegal methods of spying and arrest and basically torpedoed the movement. But wow it was so wonderful while it lasted. 2011 will be known for Occupy Wall Street. (Also this movement put fear in the hearts of the church as well hehehehehe)

In 2011 Spineless Obama killed NASA in order that Amateurs will be able to fly their toys into low sub orbit. Obama diverted funds from NASA to the expensive Amateurs. Because of Obama's actions the USA is no longer a Space Faring nation. Looks like NASA will not be going to the moon. Look for the Chinese and Indians to land on the Moon by 2025 and the Russians by 2030.

2011 saw a major increase and rise in the Police State. The Police used illegal tactics to record people's license plates in parking lots, they used spies on peaceful protest and they used illegal detention on protesters. In 2011 we saw the cops arrest people for starring at them, for filming them and for reporting their corruption to the press. In California, a cop used pepper spray against a line of peaceful protesters who were seated on the ground. This line had absolutely no weapons or offensive items at all yet this cop decided to make an example of citizens who were exercising their Constitutional rights to peacefully assemble and protest. What did the cop get for this crime... A slap on the wrist. I say he should be in a super max prison for the rest of his miserable life.

Then there's Mayor Bloomberg of the evil city-state of New York. Mayor Bloomberg must think he is running his own nation. He has his own foreign service department with the equalivant of a Foreign Minister. (And yet, Obama the stupid continues allowing Bloomberg to do this...) In addition to his own foreign department, he also has his own spy network. Bloomberg has sent his intelligence department to other cities to spy on Churches, Peaceful Protest, and he has also spied on Senators and Congressmen whom he hates. It is possible that Mayor Bloomberg was responsible for the 15 November raids on Occupy Wall Street. To top off his list of political evil, Mayor Bloomberg has now given orders to the NYPD to arrest anyone who might be remotely connected to peaceful protest with-out evidence cause or reason. This is indeed an act of pure evil on the Mayors part.

In 2011 we saw the TSA that stupid Transportation Safety Administration or Security Administration, take your pic, brutalize elderly passengers, ruptured medical bottles of the disabled, forced a disabled child to remove his leg braces and broke breast implants of women who had recovered from Breast Cancer. Plus TSA agents stole from passengers, they did not follow orders or regulations for dealing with passengers. I believe worse of all the TSA retaliated against those who dare protest their actions. A woman trying to get legal Human Breast Milk onto a flight was stopped and kept waiting for no reason at all until she missed her flight. It is clear to me that this was done in revenge to her complaints against the very same agency who had taken her legal bottles of Breast Milk and dumped it. I and others have called and pleaded with Do-Nothing Obama to end the TSA but he is too much into himself and too concerned with getting re-elected to care for the safety of the citizens of the USA.

In Wisconsin, Fuhrer Scott Walker has pretty much destroyed the state. He has greatly reduced the right of Teachers to get more pay all in the made up name of saving the budget. Let us remember, that Scott Walker took a major Surplus and then gave it to his rich friends then he turned around and said the state is broke and then cut services to the Elderly, Disabled all in the name of saving his rich friends. Fuhrer Walker committed Mass Voter Fraud by adding votes to the election of the State Supreme Court Chief Justice after the voting was over. The Secretary reported this increased number of votes as an oversight but I say that Fuhrer Walker added votes to the count in order to get his crony on the bench. Fuhrer Walker also interfeared with state recall elections of republican't senators and congressmen. Apparently Fuhrer Walker destroyed votes that would had lead to more Republican'ts loosing their jobs. There is a Recall Vote for Fuhrer Walker... Lets hope that the good people of Wisconsin will finally throw this Dictator out of office once and for all.

President Obama is not with-out shame too. In 2011 he forced the Congress to extend disasterous payroll tax cuts. This reduced the amount of money going to Social Security and thus it has placed all those who receive Social Security and Disability in danger. Obama has proven how big a coward he is by rolling over and walking lock step with the Teabaggers in the house in order to raise the debt ceiling. He caved into their demands for a Supercommittie which as we now know failed miserably. Obama caved into the Teabaggers demands not to shut down Get-mo thus this has resulted in Obama the coward breaking a major campaign pledge to the Citizens who voted for him. Obama has done very little outside ending Don't Ask Don't tell in helping the Civil Rights of Gays. Obama has done nothing to help Abortion Clinics thus more stringent laws against abortion have gone into effect.

In 2011 we also saw several Teabaggers attempt to run for President of the United States. One, Herman Cain has dropped out. All these candidates are united in their call to end Social Security and Disability and to throw the Elderly and Disabled out into the cold. So far from watching their debates, I can say that I am totally unimpressed with any of the Teabaggers. God help us if any of the Teabaggers gets elected President of the United States.

2011 also saw an rise of the power of the Fundamentalist Reconstructionist Dominionist Church. The Fundamentalist have called for days of disobedience toward the IRS, and have called for all Christians (Democrats who are Christian, Liberals who are Christian need not apply they say) to sign the so-called Manhattan Declaration which was suppose to have 1 million signatures but so far has not reached that level. Obama has totally failed in policing the Church. The IRS has done nothing to investigate the electioneering of the Church as well.

Finally, its just possible that 2011 might be called the last year of the Internet... Right now, the dismal Congress is taking up two bills, PIPA which is designed to shut down IP addresses which might one day carry pirated downloads of Copyrighted material and SOPA which will kill the internet. Both of these measures are supported by the big wig Movie Studios, the big wig Recording studios, all the television networks (Which is why we are getting unfair coverage of SOPA and PIPA) and by the RIAA and MPAA. I have called for a total Boycott against all of them.

God help us if PIPA and SOPA are passed into law. It will be the end of the Internet.

Let us hope 2012 will be known as the best year on the planet. Keep fighting PIPA and SOPA, call and write your congressmen and remind them that you vote and that they are suppose to represent you not the RIAA or MPAA or big business.

Happy New Year. May God Bless us all......

EDIT : Yep I saw where I put 2012 instead of 2011 :)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Special Boycott

I am calling on all Citizens of the World, to join with me in a Special Boycott of the RIAA, MPAA and the Various Television Networks and their Parent Companies because of their support for The Stop Online Piracy Act and its Senate Version PIPA.

If the RIAA and MPAA get their way, then the internet is gone over hosed. No one will want to host anything for fear of offending the MPAA and RIAA. I am also asking that every one of you who read my Blog tell your friends to read this blog too, if you care about the Internet.

Next, I ask you to flood the E-Mail Box, Postal Mail and Answering Machines of your Congressional Representative, and demand that your Congressional Representative vote no on both PIPA and SOPA. Then tell your congressional Rep that you Vote and if SOPA and PIPA pass you will vote your congressional rep out of office. Call the White House and demand that President Obama Veto both SOPA and PIPA or he will be voted out of office. If you live outside the USA Notify your Chamber of Commerce or other organization that you refuse to visit the USA until both SOPA and PIPA are resended or voted down. Also if you live outside the USA pressure your leaders to demand that congress vote no to PIPA and SOPA.

Thank you

EDIT: When I say do not buy DVD's CD's Etc I do not mean for you to download illegal copies of these DVDs etc. I want you all to completely stop watching the DVD's from Universal etc, Listening to music from RCA etc. When they start seeing that no one is watching or listening to them, or when the people are not even illegally downloading their product (By the way, don't ever illegally download stuff its wrong totally ), then maybe they will finally say to the Congress, End SOPA and PIPA we do not want these laws....

Tennessee Fuhrer Bill Haslam hates the poor

Low Life like Fuhrer Haslam hate the poor because they believe they always vote Democrat. This is why Fuhrer Haslam and the stooges in the Tennessee State House have voted to force people to use Photo ID in order to vote.

See, by doing this, the Republican'ts, The Tea Baggers and the Office of the Fuhrer feel this will place a hardship on the Poor and so the poor will not vote. They hope to committ soft Voter Fraud in this manner by forcing the poor, the elderly and the disabled into purchasing Photo ID and thus forcing them not to vote.

You tell me that they get free photo ID? well yes they do, in 4-6 weeks. If you want your photo ID today or the moment you show up at the Drivers License Station to get your Photo ID, you have to pay a Poll Tax (Because this is exactly what the Fuhrer's Voter ID law is, a Poll Tax designed to keep the Poor, The Elderly and the Disabled from voting) in order to get your ID the same day.

Fuhrer Haslam and the Teabagger State House of Tennessee designed this Voter ID law to keep The Poor, Disabled and Elderly from Voting, because the Fuhrer feels they generally vote Democrat. And Fuhrer Haslam just can't have the Democrats win in Tennessee or he will not be able to be the little power trip dictator he has become.

Shame on you Fuhrer Bill Haslam, Shame on you.

Winner of 30 December 2011 Shame on you Award, Bill Haslam and the Tennessee State House.

A Little News

Verizon has dropped its 2 dollar charge for paying your bill online. This is a result of FCC pressure, and of the outcry of we the people.

Keep up the good work.

Shame on you Pat Robertson

Nice Laugh

Pat Robertson says the Earthquake Damage to the Washington Monument is a sign from God. Well, As a Christian I can tell you it isn't a sign. God has let me know he is extremely dissiappointed with a great many Fundamentalist leaders including Pat, so I think that speaks volumes.

Pat Robertson, 30 December 2011 winner of the Shame On you Award

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Its truly amazing that I am now naming a new Shame on you award, after just having awarded Verizon the award for charging people 2 bucks just to pay their bill on line.

Well another group has come to my attention.

Shurat HaDin.

They are threatening to sue Twitter if they do not block certain members from accessing their site. They say they defend Israel from all enemies. Unfortunately their defense could step on the Constitution and its free speech clause.

Because of the chilling effects, this lawsuit "Could" cause, I now name Shurat HaDin, winner of the 29 December Shame on You award for actions that could chill and possiably end Free Speech.

Shame on Verizon

Not much to say here... Big Business Verizon charges customers 2 bucks a month just for the privilege to pay their bill on line.

This is enough to make me believe all Big Business companies are In it for the Greed only. Shame on you Verizon, Shame on you!!!

Winner of the 29 December 2011 Shame on you Award: Verizon.

Urgent: SOPA is NOT DEAD!!!

Sopa is not dead. Do not believe your Senators and Congressmen. Call now and demand that your representative vote NO on SOPA and the Senate version.

Mr. Obama, what you are trying to do is make the United States like China. You are listening to special interest and the stupid RIAA and not listening to the Citizens.

Now is the time to call your Senators and Representatives. Call them now, and keep calling them until they vote no.

The only reason the Congress wants this is to shut you all up. Thats right they do not want you to speak out against them.

Call your representative now. If they say SOPA is dead tell them you do not believe them. Tell them to vote no on SOPA

Do it now.

Rick Santorum's Closet.

Before voting for this tea bagger, people should look inside his closet. Well lets see what we will find there...

Oh yes, lots of stuff...

1. Rick Santorum sent his kids to Virginia schools and at the same time counted them as being in a Pennsylvanian School District. Amazing eh? I believe there is a lot illegal about that.

2. Santorum also tried to put through the congress a bill requiring the National Weather Service not to release weather data if there was a Commercial Weather Company already in the location of a state (Or something to that effect) In other words Santorum wanted to protect his weather service from the Government and force people to pay to receive his weather data. Apparently Santorum did not like the citizens receiving free Weather News.

Rick Santorum is a Homophobe who hates Gays, he wants to end abortions in all stages and he even wants the victims of Rape to carry the reminder of the rapist for the rest of their lives.

Santorum also hates Social Security and has vowed to end it cold turkey. He feels the Elderly should become a burden on their Children.

I have yet to make a recommendation on who to vote for president, but please, do yourself a favor do not vote for this monster, Rick Santorum.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Rush to War

The drumbeats of war have sounded again. A great fear has the administration of the United States locked up to the point they cannot think straight.

It appears that this Administration wants a war with Iran. Iran says they are not building Nuclear Weapons but I doubt the Administration believes them.

I want to know why we are rushing to war? Is it because Iran has Nuclear Weapons, or because a few big wig Oil Companies want Iran's oil.

Yes I think its because of the Oil and not the potential that Iran has Nuclear Weapons. Speaking of Nuclear Weapons. Even if Iran did develop Nuclear Weapons they have no way to deliver a bomb. They do not have powerful Missiles. Iran is not a threat and any threat that they have made looks to me like those that are made in defense of a nation.

Something strikes me about this rush to war. Only the United States is being asked to ready its ships, men and planes. I do not see any other nation rushing off to war. Last time I checked, the United States is not the Police Man of the world. We do not rule the Middle East.

Some say the reason for a war is to defend Israel. Last I checked, Israel has a powerful military with 62 Nuclear Warheads and missiles. They do not need our help or protection.

Speaking of Israel, one of the reasons sighted for wanting a war with Iran is because of their nuclear weapons program. May I ask then, what about Israel's Nuclear Weapons? They say, Iran has not signed the UN Nuclear Treaty... Well.... Neither has Israel.

This leads back to the reason I believe that Obama the spineless one is calling war... Its all for the oil and nothing else...

We are going to destroy people's homes, kill innocent people, children, and destroy a nation all in the name of Oil.

I hope someone with some brains says Stop.

Mr. Obama you promised not to take us to war again and to pull out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Get-mo. You have just now gotten us out of Iraq. You promised that we would not go to war on your shift, Mr. President and yet you are now sounding the drums for war.

Except this time, China has said any attack on Iran will start World War Three and China has warned the USA not to attack Iran.

So Mr. President, are you willing to sacrifice our entire nation all in the name of your Oil Gods? Are you willing to see our cities here in the USA destroyed by Chinese ICBMS because you had to keep an oath to Big Oil?

Why in the name of God does Big Oil want a war in the first place? Don't they realize after a war, there will be no one left to buy their precious oil?

Please call your senators and House Representatives and demand that they keep Obama from Declaring war on Iran. Oil is not a reason to go to war. And War is never the answer.

28 December 2011 Shame on you Awards

Because First Tennessee Bank did not bother to tell me that they were changing the rules to where if you ask their stupid ATM how much money you had in their stupid bank, it would cost you 2 bucks.

Winner of 28 December 2011 Shame on you Award: First Tennessee Bank

First Tennessee reaches a new low

I was going over my bank statement the other day. I remember going to the ATM to see how much money I have in their filthy bank. Now I find out that it cost 2 bucks to do that.


I was given no notice of this change. I had no idea that by trying to find out how much money I have in my bank, via My own Banks ATM, would cost me 2 bucks.

I am going to try to get my 2 dollars back tomorrow. I was never told of this nor did I know that by asking the ATM to see how much money I had in the bank would cost me.

This is a new low for you, First Tennessee Bank.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Shame on you Google Shame on you!!!

I am going to make an amendment to my list of those who have won the Shame on you Award. In addition to the Tea Baggers who are trying to impersonate a Presidential candidate, there's Google.

If you are reading this, go to Yahoo and type in quotes "Focus on the Insanity" you will see my blog is at the top of the list. Now go to Google search and Type in the same thing including the "" Quotes. You will see that my blog does not appear at all.

Censureship Google? Shame on you. Winner of 28 December (Running with 27 December winners,) Shame on you Award: Google Search.

Shame on you Rick Perry

Tonight, Rick Perry signed a pledge to Personhood USA. He did this after he announced that he opposed Abortions even in the cases where the Mother's Life is in Danger AND in the cases of rape. He said this after a Propaganda film was aired in Iowa. Then Perry signed the pledge.

Rick Perry no longer is pledged to the Citizens of the United States, he is Pledged to Personhood USA. In signing that pledge Mr. Perry pledged himself to Personhood USA, not the citizens of the United States.

Mr. Perry, your only pledge should be to the Citizens of this nation, not some radical group of far out of sight right wing Fundamentalist Reconstructionist Dominionist.

So if Mr. Perry should happen to become the Next President, he will be pledged to help Personhood USA, not the citizens of the Nation.

In the same boat as Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul also signed a pledge not to support the citizens of the USA but the Fringe right wing group Personhood USA.

Shame on you, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul. Shame on you for signing the Personhood USA Pledge.

Who do you speak for? The Citizens of the USA, or Personhood USA?


Military Spending

Many of the Republican'ts want to cut cut cut and then cut some more. But there is one area that Republican'ts want to spend spend spend and then spend a ton more. Thats the Department of Defense.

It is assumed the power that rivals the United States is China. I also include Russia and India but we will stick with China. India and Russia spend even less money on Military than China.

The United States has for its defense budget, a sum total of 2 Trillion Dollars. It is more than likely that the Military Budget is a whole lot more than 2 Trillion a year due to Black Box Budgets and off the books budgets. I have heard that these secret military budgets runs from 5 Trillion to 25 Trillion or even more.

China spends around 100 Billion Dollars on their Military. Yet their military is almost the same as our 2 Trillion Military.

I believe if we cut the Military Budget to 50 Billion a year, not only will we have a balanced budget, but also we will be running a surplus. We will be able to give the Department of Health Education etc 100 billion dollars and still have money left over. We will be able to give 1 trillion dollars to Social Security and still have money left over. We would be able to have a proper space agency with 100 billion a year being spent on space. And probably still have money left over.

How many hospitals, schools and homes have not been built simply because money for these needed projects has been tied up in Defense?

If we had a real congress, one that answers to the people not the Family Rights Movements, and/or the Heritage Foundation etc, this would not be happening. If we had a real congress people would not be homeless if we had a real congress Hospitals and Schools would be built. If we had a Real Congress our roads and streets would be in good repair. If we had a real congress... We would be running surpluses not deficits. If we had a Real Congress, John Roberts would had been impeached and removed from the Supreme Court long ago for declaring a Corporation, A person.

In 2012 please vote out the fat cats and vote in people who will defend and expand Social Security, Education, Health, and NASA.

Monday, December 26, 2011

CNN, Shame on you !!!

My Views of Ron Paul are simple.

As is his son, so to is Ron Paul a monster.

Ron Paul has said that when he becomes President he will shut down Social Security Cold Turkey. Ron Paul, like son Rand Paul, will allow the Elderly and Disabled to live on the curb and be kicked out into the street. In fact, Ron Paul would also do away with the Minimum wage as well.

But you know, I watched the raw footage of Ron Paul's Interview with CNN. CNN Claims Ron Paul stormed out of the interview before it was over.

The Raw Footage says otherwise. First I have seen large sections of the Ron Paul interview cut out. Censored if you will. The scene that I saw as the last scene was of Ron Paul, calmly taking off his Mic and saying what a good interview it was and thanking the presenter for the questions.

That sure doesn't sound like a walk out to me.

Shame on CNN for stretching this into a walk out.

CNN, Winner of 26 December Shame on you award.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Shame on you Ken Ham

Ken Ham,

You know he is the person who believes the Universe is less than 6000 years old, despite the fact that God himself never said the Earth was only 6000 years old, despite the fact that God even says its billions of years old.

I was reading through some stuff and this bit of info caught my attention:

OSL (Optically stimulated luminescence dating) is based on unverifiable uniformitarian assumptions. Can we know a sample has truly been in the dark for seventy thousand years? Can we be sure heat or water exposure has not altered the energy stored in it? Can we be sure a mineral’s sensitivity to light has remained unchanged? It is impossible to be sure these conditions have been met. Furthermore, results must be calibrated by comparison to other dating methods based on their own unverifiable assumptions. And those dating methods are also used to calibrate molecular clock calculations used in genomic mapping of populations through the ages. Thus the same assumptions are foundational to conclusions about the age of artifacts and the timing of population movements out of Africa. Even the “out of Africa” paradigm is based on unverifiable assumptions, including the presumption humans evolved from apelike ancestors in the first place.
(Ken Ham, via Answers in Genesis News)

You know, Ken, this method of dating has received exhaustive testing and judging by how the Scientist of our day feel, this OSL testing would not had seen the light of day if it did not do what it said. Oh yes, Ken, I have never seen any reference in the Scientific world that OSL is unverified. Ken Ham brushes off an extremely good method of testing in order to support his view that the Universe is 6000 years old and remember No where in the bible does it say the Earth is less than 6000 years old.

Other things of interest... Ken Ham ignores photographic evidence of the birth of stars... Then there's that thing about Tyrannosaurs eating grass... and living with Humans less than 6000 years ago.

Ken Ham, You ignore photographic evidence that Stars are being born today, you ignore proven scientific methods about dating caves in South Africa. And you and your Young Earthist feel the Earth is less than 6000 years despite the fact that God and the Bible never said the Earth was 6000 years old and in a few spots he might had even said the Earth is Billions of years old.

Ken Ham, Winner of 24 December Shame on you Award.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

Want to Wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

New York City.... EVIL

New York City.

Corrupt Mayor.
Corrupt Police Department

The New York City Police often stop people, cuff them for no reason and then terrorize them.

Nicholas Peart is a very interesting case. On his birthday the NYPD smashed into his home with no warrant, Cuff him then look at his ID, they they say "Happy Birthday" And leave. Mr. Peart has been bullied, terrorized and harassed by the NYPD dozens if not hundreds of times.

Mayor Bloomberg, I am not seeing any action taken against the Corruption in the NYPD. I am not seeing your office speak out against this blatant Police Brutality. No not even one peep has been spoken by the Evil Bloomberg in critism of the corrupt and evil NYPD.

Because of the lack of control over the corrupt Police in New York City, I am adding New York to my Boycott list. Also if you are traveling to NYC I would be very very careful. The NYPD WILL arrest you for no reason.

Turning points in War.

It can be said, that in the history of Warfare, that there is the one battle that turned around a war and allowed a side that was loosing, to win massively.

For the Civil War it was Gettysburg and Vicksburg. Both victories for the Union Meant the End of the Confederacy.

World War One, the Turning point for that war was the entry of the United States of America. The USA almost single handed defeated both Austria and Germany.(This is my opinion of what turned the tide of war in WW 1 others will list battles but I think it was the entry of the USA in 1917)

For World War Two it was the Battle of Midway, the Normandy Invasion and Stalingrad.

For President Obama it was the victory of winning the Payroll Tax. Because after his victory, he went on to loose almost 70 million Disabled and Elderly voters. The Elderly and Disabled voted for the Republican Challenger because of the disasterous cuts to the Payroll Tax stressed Social Security.

So what Obama thinks is a major Tactical Victory is nothing of a sort. It is the beginning of the end of his administration and on 20 January 2013 he will stand aside as the Republican Challenger takes the oath of office because Obama was stupid enough to offend 70 Million Elderly and Disabled voters.

No this is not an endorsement for President, its just telling it like it is.

Yesterday, I gave the Shame on You award to Wolf Blitzer, The Mainstream Media and President Obama. I have decided that this action of taking money from Social Security to give the nation a Tax Break warrants me to make President Obama, 23 December 2011's Sole winner of the Shame on You Award.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Shame on you Corporate Media

And now, we have a new Shame on you award going to the Mainstream Media.

The Mainstream Media, President Obama and Wolf Blitzer all say that if the Payroll Tax Cut is allowed to expire, it will be a Tax Increase. It is not an Increase. All that will happen is that the Needed Payroll Tax will return to normal and the danger of Grandma's Social Security being cut is ended.

Shame on you Wolf Blitzer, President Obama, Mainstream Media for stroking fear and making people think that the Payroll Tax is a Tax Increase. Shame on you!

(Yep this is a Re-Write. I guess I am so disgusted over this I am having trouble writing )

And what about the Elderly?

Ole Wolf Blitzer on CNN is crowing how Obama got his Payroll Tax Deal. Obama himself parades people before the camera to tell their sad tale on how they will suffer if 40 bucks is cut from their pay checks. Infact its been proven that this 40 bucks is for those who make more than 100,000 a year. Chances are the average American will only see a 12 dollar cut.

Mr. Obama, when you had the person who asked for people to experience 3 nights in an unheated home, I wonder, why you did not have any elderly up on stage with you so they can tell the effects of having money taken from them in the form of the Payroll Tax Cut?

3 nights with-out heat... Try a whole month!!! How about elderly or disabled going through the trash on the street corner looking for something to eat because Obama cut the Payroll Tax thus cut their Social Security.

Obama, are the Elderly to suffer so that you will get Re-Elected?

Its time to end the Payroll Tax Cut.... The Elderly and Disabled are suffering because of it.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The End of the World

Well its soon to be 2012. And you know a lot of people believe the world will end. They have built up their evidence and even I have to admit that its convincing to a degree. However the odds of the world ending is very very low in 2012.

For those who feel this will be the case or that the Earth will not end just go through some disasterous periods of time, why not join an Astronomy Club, especially one that looks for asteroids and Comets that could endanger Earth. You might just be able to warn people of incoming disaster. However remember there is a right way to report sightings of Comets etc. If you join an Sightings club they will probably tell you all about the proper way to report Comets as the introduction to the club.

Otherwise, check with NASA JPL and the Federal Government for the correct procedure in reporting Comets etc.

As far as December 2012 being the last month on Earth, I can pretty much say net. So far, NASA has yet to discover the 12th Planet and for the moment there are no Asteroids or Comets that could directly threaten us in 2012.

I think we are going to see either President Obama being sworn in for a second term or a new President on 20 January 2013.

Good day.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fast and Furious

Well I have been trying to think of something to type today. Its very hard to come up with something especially when you got a rather nasty head cold.

I believe the most under reported news story of 2011 may turn out to be Fast and Furious. From what I can understand, this operation of the FBI has to do with the FBI giving guns to the Drug Lords of Mexico. I believe you can already see that this is not a good situation already.

But what I have noticed is that the Major News Media has not covered it at all. I think Fox may have but I don't watch Fox because I don't trust Fox. This does not look good for the Main Stream Media. Are they covering for President Obama? Are they trying to squash this so that Obama is protected?

A lot of good questions there. Its time for MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and even the BBC to speak up and explain their censureship of this very important news story.

Monday, December 19, 2011

And they call it a Tax Increase

A lot of people are upset with the Republican't house for failing to walk Lock-Step with Obama and The Senate Republican'ts in keeping a cut in the Payroll Tax. I am hoping it does not pass because a lot of people depend on the Payroll Tax.

Citizens, nothing is going to change. All that will happen is that Payroll Taxes will return to normal levels. Those payroll taxes are used to pay Social Security, Disability etc.

I believe this congress needs to pass a Massive Tax Increase on Billionares and Trillionares. Afterall many companies go with-out paying taxes at all. Some Billionare companies received a Tax Refund. Can you imagine, a company that makes tens of billions of dollars receiving a refund.

As I have said, The Congress needs to stop taking money from the Disabled, the Elderly and the Poor and instead take money from the Military, the Billionares and Trillionares and Wall Street.

Taxes should be increased on those who have so much money that if they started spending 100,000 dollars an hour they will still have billions when they pass away.... Thats too much money in my opinion.

It is true, our nation is broken, and maybe its time for a New Political Party to arise.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

USS Olympia

I was reading through Wikipedia today and noticed that the USS Olympia is in need of a home. I think they made a quote of 10 million dollars that's needed for repairs to the 100 year old Cruiser.

The Olympia is on the registry of historical places and it would be a very big shame to loose this ship. Maybe some of those billionares out there could help with this or maybe one of the other Naval museums could help out too.

Here is the site URL they have details on the status of the ship etc.

USS Olympia

I am providing this E-mail so those who want to help out this ship can get updated details and other details.


This EMail is for contributions but I am sure they can also answer your questions too.

Thank you.

EDIT: Correction I think they found a home for the USS Olympia but they still need financial help. Use the URL above to link to the USS Olympia organization in order to find out more details and under their contacts at the top of the USS Olympia page list all the E-mails for the organization in charge of the USS Olympia Museum.

Thank you again

What the Rich Want

I woke up to the news that Steven Rattner the former Auto Czar had wanted the UAW to take a pay cut. He was speaking to a bunch of filthy rich investors at the time. According to the article on Yahoo, Rattner said they had not gone far enough with the UAW and that they should had taken a pay cut.


Mr. Rattner, I think you should take a massive pay cut. You have more money than any of the auto workers will ever see in their lifetimes. You go home at night knowing you have the best health insurance on the planet. Many of the 9 dollar an hour workers at the auto plants don't even have health insurance. While I have not seen your home, I bet you have rooms in your house that go unused. Many of the 9 dollar an hour workers can barely afford rent with-in 30 miles of their work.

I think Mr. Rattner should be forced to live on 9 dollars an hour. Then we will see if he still thinks the UAW should had taken a pay cut.

Shame on you Steven Rattner. Shame on you.

Steven Rattner, winner of my first Shame on you Award.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Finally the Weekend


After watching the latest non-debate between the Tea Bagger candidates running for President, I am now more certain that if ANY of the baggers should become President, our nation is doomed. Talk about Corporate Paradise. The Baggers would revoke just about every protection that defends us all. I would also expect to see a 3 fold increase in homelessness as the Republican'ts feel that unempolyement should only last 2 months and that people should accept a lower paying job, in most cases, much lower.

Latest Poll numbers are in...

National Presidential Polls:

Obama 58%
Paul 37%

Obama 53%
Romney 42%

Obama 63%
Gringrich 35%

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Stabbed in the back

Well, tonight the Democrats rolled over and turned yellow in their constant drive to allow the Corporate Republican't tea baggers to walk all over them.

Tonight, Democrats stabbed Women in the back by allowing the Republican'ts to block aid for abortions in Washington DC. They also blocked HIV needle exchanges.

And to think the Democrats declared victory.

In 2012 lets vote all the Republican'ts, all the Corporate Teabaggers and all the Democrats out of office. Lets send new Democrats who will not run at the slightest puff of hot air from the Republican'ts...

This is totally disgusting. Democrats....Yellow to the bone!!!


I am sick and tired of what I am hearing from those who support the Stop Online Piracy Act. So I would like to see if you all would do this.

first, Starting this Saturday and going till Monday at Midnight, Do not purchase any Music from the big record companies. Unfortunately this will mean not buying any music from Amazon and other good companies but we have to get the message to the RIAA and MPAA that we will not take this and we feel SOPA will destroy the net. Now when you join this boycott and there is no signup for it, its voluntary, Do not buy Music on line, in the store or from a catalog company. This goes for movies too. And also, no illegal downloads. No download at all for Music and Movies. Lets see if money will convince the RIAA and MPAA to back off and call for a study of the situation and for a new bill which will NOT destroy the net.

To the RIAA, I feel if you reduced record prices by 80 percent piracy will go away almost over night. You have the power to talk to the Record Labels and get them to go along. CDs cost less than a dollar to make and charging upwards of 19 bucks is just insane. Reduce the price by 80 Percent and watch Piracy go away almost overnight. This also goes for the MPAA too. If the big studios would slash the price of their DVD's and cost of attending a movie at a theatre by 80% No one will want to illegally down load the music. Also you need to make Legal DVDS more available universally.

Thank you.

Chairman Smith Stooge for those who hate the intenet

Watching Liar Smith speak and the other liars on the panel speak, I have come to a conclusion. The Congress is afraid of our ability to use the internet to support or oppose them. They have seen how the net has rallied people together to support laws or members themselves.

To me, this is why they support the "Stop Online Piracy Act". Its not because of Piracy but the Congress wants to stop our ability to speak freely against them. They have actually came out and said they want to end Free Speech.

I am afraid that the law will pass because Congress wants to stop our ability to speak freely and to oppose them. They want to control the net and make sure the people do not have the ability to use the internet to harm them.

This is exactly why Chairman Smith, a Liar, supports Stop Online Piracy Act despite the fact that 100% of the citizens oppose this bill.

Another thing, Chairman Smith has not listed those who oppose this bill. He has also said that those who oppose SOPA are stupid and mislead.

Lets vote Chairman Smith, Congressman Berman and the entire panel out of office.

Once again, our Congress that we elected to support us, has now turned against us.

Hey Congress Berman, the USA will be like China and Nazi Germany after this bill is passed. You hate our ability to use the net to express our views, therefore you invented this bill, Berman, to kill our free speech rights.

Additional: I also find it interesting that this bill seems to have sprung up after the Occupy Protest. I suspect that if it was not before, that now, one of the reasons the sinister evil Congress supports this stupid bill is to make sure protest like OccupyWallStreet never happen again.

Just say no to Sopa

Stop Online Piracy Act

It should read the "Everything the RIAA and MPAA wants act." This bill would declare any website that has the Potential to have piracy illegal and will shut down said web site.

Well since just about every site can have the potential, you see what this will mean.

Wikipedia, I have heard, is going dark in protest to the draconian RIAA bill.

Call your congressmembers and demand that they vote this draconian bill down.

Full Scale Boycott of the RIAA and MPAA in effect NOW.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Kayak under Full Boycott

I am now calling on all citizens world over to boycott Kayak. Like Lowe's they have pulled all advertising from All American Muslim. Its shameful that Kayak allowed Fundamentalist Reconstructionist to bully them into silence and into removing their advertising from this good show.

I will repeat my call to end the hate. Lets get along with each other. Please join with me and Boycott Kayak. There are other travel agencies out there.

Lets not allow Hate to win the day.

The Forgotten Expedition

Today I watched the news. I was looking for a monumental event one that changed the face of things so to speak.

14 December 1911 An Norwegian Expedition to the South Pole lead by Roald Amundsen reached the South Pole. They were the first Humans to ever arrive there.

Well, if you did not have internet, or Cable Television, chances are you had no clue that this day was the 100th anniversary of that famous expedition. It wasn't on NBC Nightly News. It was not on the other over the air networks. And of course dismal WSMV did not carry it... Amundsen did not explore Tennessee so, as we all know WSMV has no concept of existence outside the boarders of the Fundamentalist Teabag state of Tennessee so WSMV 4 did not carry it at all.

The PBS stations did have it but with so many other distractions not very many watched it.

I think its shameful that a Teabag like Ron Paul or Newt Gingrich captures our attention instead of a truly historic event like Amundsens expedition to the South Pole.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tennessee goes below the bottom of the bucket

Tennessee Tea Bag Government has decided to punish the Disabled by ending a grant. This grant helps with medical expenses and other things. The Tea Baggers could cut money from another area but because this is a way for the Tea Bagger Government in Nashville to strike at Former President Roosevelt. As you know, Tea Baggers are nation over, trying to end EVERY program that Roosevelt started. The Grant for disabled families in Tennessee is very helpful and in many cases its the difference between living in a apartment or the street.

Now Nashville Tea Baggers have voted to throw the disabled out into the street. This is so shameful.

Please note, Tennessee is under a major Economic Boycott. There are better places to go than Tennessee.

My Blood Boils

I am going to post a link to a Video that I think every single Citizen of this nation needs to watch.

You Tube Video of the TSA

I watched this Video. It is in fact, a revenge attack on a citizen who filed a complaint against the TSA. They did this to her only because she dared complain. They trashed their own rules.

Please contact your congressmen and demand that the TSA be dissolved. Please do so quickly.

Until the TSA is dissolved, I will never fly a plane in the United States, I will never fly a plane to the United States. I will never Fly a Plane from the United States. I will never fly a plane that lands in the USA as a connector flight. I will never fly a plane that passes through the United States.

Thank you TSA, I am now afraid of flying because of what you do to disabled people.

Monday, December 12, 2011

No Endorsement still for President

As of today, I will not endorse anyone for President. No one on the Republican't-Teabagger side will promise me not to touch, harm or cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Disability. Infact I fear that if ANY of the Teabagger Candidates get elected that All our social programs will suffer massively.

So for now, I will be voting for President Obama. He is not my choice for President but he is a hell of a lot better than Swinger Gingrich, Obama Clone Romney, Perry the enemy of the poor and Disabled and Elderly, etc etc etc.

I think the IRS should watch carefully the church. They have endorsed the Teabaggers and that's wrong. I am especially disturbed by Southern Baptist Leader Richard Land's Comments. I do not believe in my opinion, that the church should EVER endorse any candidate.

more to come and I may endorse someone soon. Keep checking back.

Oh, Please Please Please give our Drone Back

Obama has asked the Iranian government to give back the Drone that they seized after it made some sort of controlled landing the other week.

Obama I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Does he really expect them to give it back? And if he did not, then why waste all of tarnation's time asking?

Obama should accept that we are not getting that drone back ever. Also Obama should expect that the Chinese and Russians will examine it also. Probably the Indians as well.

I wonder if it was a mistake to fly these unmanned drones over Iran since our relations with them are so low and war could spark at any time. Wouldn't any sort of action on our part just provoke them?

Onto another subject, I believe Obama should forbid Spy Drones from being used by the common cops. Obama should clearly state that the drones are for patrolling the boarders only and no other action can be taken by them.

Lowe's lowly deed

Lowe's is a big box store that sells hardware and other things. They were sponsoring a Television Show about Arabs in the United States... Until the fundamentalist reconstructionist squaked and struck fear in Lowe's heart.

The Show is All-American Muslim is a good show that tells of the life of Arabs in the United States. Lowe's was sponsoring the show until a bunch of radical fundamentalist reconstructionist at the Florida Family Association screamed. They claim that the families are not representative of the Muslim faith as a whole.

This is pure hate in my opinion. And now we get my first Boycott for this blog.

Home Depot, Lowe's... the economic boycott will continue until you return to sponsoring All-American Muslim....

Above all else, people, lets not allow hate to win... PLEASE!!!

Amateur Hour

As you get to read my blogs, you will note that I do not at all approve of giving funding to Private Space Industry. They are a corporation, let them raise the capitol themselves.

This is one of the reasons I do not like President Obama. I consider him "The Man who destroyed NASA". He gleefully signed away half of what NASA does and gave it to private space ventures which I call Amateurs.

Amateurs because they have not spent any time in space, a few have put ONE space device in extreme low orbit, and one company flew a few sub orbital flights.

NASA has 50 years experience. They know exactly what they are doing when they launch a space mission.

Now let me ask you... Who would you trust? The National Space Agency with 50 years of Experience or a Private Ventures who have little to no experience in space.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

An update on the original blog

If you were trying to find my first blog, I have deleted it. So now this is the only blog I have. I may add pages later on but for now I like how it is.

Thanks for reading.

Does CNN support the Republicans?

What I am wondering, while I watch CNN Your Money, is if CNN is unfairly supporting Republicans. They presented a Poll that showed Romney ahead. I have not seen a poll out there that shows this. At the moment it "Appears" that CNN is endorsing Gringrich for President... Really CNN? I thought you were suppose to be neutral. If this is news to you, CNN, then I would advise that you watch your program, "Your Money" and then take approrate action against those who do not hold a neutral viewpoint.

Its hard to understand why "In Your Money" would favor Republican'ts over Democrats. But then, I have always thought of this program of CNN's as being very conservative. CNN supports Austerity for crying out loud. That says it all

And that's my opinion...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Don't miss tonight's Lunar Eclipse

Hey theres a Lunar Eclipse tonight or early tomorrow depending upon where you live in the world. Here is an article from MSNBC about it, I will post the link for you to read up on this and if you get a chance step outside and look up.

Lunar Eclipse from MSNBC

Why I will not vote for a Republican for Anything

You know, before the 2000 Presidential elections, I use to vote for more Republicans than anyone else. I felt I was conservative at that time and that's how I voted. In the 2000 election, I only voted for 2 Democrats... Al Gore and the Tennessee Governor.

I was not at all happy with the race. I felt the citizens were robbed of their choice for president.

But this is the reason right here: I will not vote for a Republican for office until they abandon their party platform in wishing to destroy Social Security, Disability, Medicare and Medicaid. When The Republicans start supporting Social Security with-out conditions, I will then start voting for Republicans again.

There are also other things the Republicans need to do... Stay out of Religion, ignore religious support for the party and they need to stop signing pledges.

Thats how I feel anyway...

Take Two

Well this is my second attempt today at a launch of my Blog. I started one up earlier today but then When I did a Google search to see if it was showing up on the web, I found that another corporation was using the title I selected. Since they had it first I decided to change the name and start over.

Insanity? I think if you talk to a lot of citizens of our great nation they will say that Politics is totally insane. Yeal, I am going to talk a lot about politics and views etc. But I also want to talk about things I really care for and enjoy. Astronomy. I really love Astronomy and I hope to post some articles I write on my own for this topic. Also I like Movies and other things. So Insanity may not be the right name for my blog but I like the sound of it so for now it sticks. :)

Thank you for visiting.