Looking at the Insanity that's in Politics, the world. The Views, Opinions and Commentary of Magnum Serpentine.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Military Spending

Many of the Republican'ts want to cut cut cut and then cut some more. But there is one area that Republican'ts want to spend spend spend and then spend a ton more. Thats the Department of Defense.

It is assumed the power that rivals the United States is China. I also include Russia and India but we will stick with China. India and Russia spend even less money on Military than China.

The United States has for its defense budget, a sum total of 2 Trillion Dollars. It is more than likely that the Military Budget is a whole lot more than 2 Trillion a year due to Black Box Budgets and off the books budgets. I have heard that these secret military budgets runs from 5 Trillion to 25 Trillion or even more.

China spends around 100 Billion Dollars on their Military. Yet their military is almost the same as our 2 Trillion Military.

I believe if we cut the Military Budget to 50 Billion a year, not only will we have a balanced budget, but also we will be running a surplus. We will be able to give the Department of Health Education etc 100 billion dollars and still have money left over. We will be able to give 1 trillion dollars to Social Security and still have money left over. We would be able to have a proper space agency with 100 billion a year being spent on space. And probably still have money left over.

How many hospitals, schools and homes have not been built simply because money for these needed projects has been tied up in Defense?

If we had a real congress, one that answers to the people not the Family Rights Movements, and/or the Heritage Foundation etc, this would not be happening. If we had a real congress people would not be homeless if we had a real congress Hospitals and Schools would be built. If we had a Real Congress our roads and streets would be in good repair. If we had a real congress... We would be running surpluses not deficits. If we had a Real Congress, John Roberts would had been impeached and removed from the Supreme Court long ago for declaring a Corporation, A person.

In 2012 please vote out the fat cats and vote in people who will defend and expand Social Security, Education, Health, and NASA.

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