Looking at the Insanity that's in Politics, the world. The Views, Opinions and Commentary of Magnum Serpentine.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

And so 2011 ends...........


The worse year I have seen in a very long time. 2011 is the year that disabled people, the poor and elderly lost civil rights in many states such as the Teabag state of Tennessee, and in states like Kansas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Utah, Arizona, Louisiana, Wisconsin which has a Teabag Dictator also in charge and South Carolina and other states are on my Boycott list for a reason. Tennessee as I said, has enacted a poll tax on its citizens. Fuhrer Haslam said he would make Tennessee a Republican-Tea Bagger- Corporate friendly place and that is exactly what this Teabag Dictator did. The Voter ID laws are not there to stop illegal immigrants from voting. The Voter ID laws are there to stop Democrats from being able to vote. I bet on Election Day in Tennessee, If I walked into a voting place that's inside a well known Republican Stronghold, They will NOT be asking for your ID. But if I went to one in my own county of Davidson I could probably not even get inside the building with-out presenting a Photo ID because Davidson is inside a Democratic Stronghold.

The Church had something to do with getting this Fuhrer Haslam elected. They probably browbeat, put down or used other pressure methods to make sure their flock voted for Haslam. I would say that the FBI should probably investigate the Church in Tennessee and the IRS as well because I can tell you they heavily promoted Fuhrer Haslam and I believe these unfair methods are the single cause as to why we got this Fuhrer in the Governors House. One thing is for sure, Tennessee is controlled by the Church.

I kind of rambled on about Tennessee. The Congress was crippled by the Teabaggers. At ever turn they blocked and stalled Obama's legislation. And the Republican'ts and Teabaggers did not even offer a single bill as an alternative to the Health Care bill. Also this Teabag House of Representatives did not even offer a single Jobs bill. The Senate, under control of the brave Democrats had to do that. Then the jobs bills got stalled and killed in the House of Representatives by the Teabaggers. You know, this action of the House Teabaggers is in line with Mitch McConnell's statement that the only platform the Republican't party had for 2010-2012 was to make sure Obama was a single term President. McConnell brushed aside jobs bills, defense bills, debt bills and bills to help the elderly and disabled all in the name of making sure Obama was a single term President. So now, as a result of the Teabagger-Republican't efforts the Republican'ts in Congress have a 7 percent approval rating. Note that is not short for 70, its 7%. The Democrats have a 41% approval rating. So based on the fact that these numbers have not changed much, who do you think will win in 2012? The Republican'ts of course. The People are angry at the Republican'ts but they bow to the fear mongroling from the Republican'ts and they fear if they disobey the dictates of the Church Leaders that they will go to hell if they vote Democrat so yes, despite being the most hated bunch in the world, the Republican'ts will win both houses this November.

Of course the Voters do not have to let this happen. They can ignore the Church and the fear tactics and vote out every Republican't in office. If the Voters are true to what they feel and believe, they will vote out every single Republican't in the Senate that's running in 2012 and all the Representative Republican'ts for Democrats and independents. But I wonder if the Sheep have the guts to vote the way they want instead of voting the way the Church and Republican'ts and Neo-cons want? Prove me wrong Voters. Vote democrat-independent in 2012.

2011 saw the rise of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Its been squashed and put in a corner by Main Stream Media and the Republican'ts but for a while, it really had a very good run. Occupy Wall Street and its associated movements had the Elite and the Banks on the ropes. Then the Department of Homeland defense hatched a plan on the 15 of November in corporation with Mainstream Media (They kept the news of this to themselves instead of warning Occupy Wall Street like they should had done) and on 15 November they basically killed the movement. The Cops universal used illegal methods of spying and arrest and basically torpedoed the movement. But wow it was so wonderful while it lasted. 2011 will be known for Occupy Wall Street. (Also this movement put fear in the hearts of the church as well hehehehehe)

In 2011 Spineless Obama killed NASA in order that Amateurs will be able to fly their toys into low sub orbit. Obama diverted funds from NASA to the expensive Amateurs. Because of Obama's actions the USA is no longer a Space Faring nation. Looks like NASA will not be going to the moon. Look for the Chinese and Indians to land on the Moon by 2025 and the Russians by 2030.

2011 saw a major increase and rise in the Police State. The Police used illegal tactics to record people's license plates in parking lots, they used spies on peaceful protest and they used illegal detention on protesters. In 2011 we saw the cops arrest people for starring at them, for filming them and for reporting their corruption to the press. In California, a cop used pepper spray against a line of peaceful protesters who were seated on the ground. This line had absolutely no weapons or offensive items at all yet this cop decided to make an example of citizens who were exercising their Constitutional rights to peacefully assemble and protest. What did the cop get for this crime... A slap on the wrist. I say he should be in a super max prison for the rest of his miserable life.

Then there's Mayor Bloomberg of the evil city-state of New York. Mayor Bloomberg must think he is running his own nation. He has his own foreign service department with the equalivant of a Foreign Minister. (And yet, Obama the stupid continues allowing Bloomberg to do this...) In addition to his own foreign department, he also has his own spy network. Bloomberg has sent his intelligence department to other cities to spy on Churches, Peaceful Protest, and he has also spied on Senators and Congressmen whom he hates. It is possible that Mayor Bloomberg was responsible for the 15 November raids on Occupy Wall Street. To top off his list of political evil, Mayor Bloomberg has now given orders to the NYPD to arrest anyone who might be remotely connected to peaceful protest with-out evidence cause or reason. This is indeed an act of pure evil on the Mayors part.

In 2011 we saw the TSA that stupid Transportation Safety Administration or Security Administration, take your pic, brutalize elderly passengers, ruptured medical bottles of the disabled, forced a disabled child to remove his leg braces and broke breast implants of women who had recovered from Breast Cancer. Plus TSA agents stole from passengers, they did not follow orders or regulations for dealing with passengers. I believe worse of all the TSA retaliated against those who dare protest their actions. A woman trying to get legal Human Breast Milk onto a flight was stopped and kept waiting for no reason at all until she missed her flight. It is clear to me that this was done in revenge to her complaints against the very same agency who had taken her legal bottles of Breast Milk and dumped it. I and others have called and pleaded with Do-Nothing Obama to end the TSA but he is too much into himself and too concerned with getting re-elected to care for the safety of the citizens of the USA.

In Wisconsin, Fuhrer Scott Walker has pretty much destroyed the state. He has greatly reduced the right of Teachers to get more pay all in the made up name of saving the budget. Let us remember, that Scott Walker took a major Surplus and then gave it to his rich friends then he turned around and said the state is broke and then cut services to the Elderly, Disabled all in the name of saving his rich friends. Fuhrer Walker committed Mass Voter Fraud by adding votes to the election of the State Supreme Court Chief Justice after the voting was over. The Secretary reported this increased number of votes as an oversight but I say that Fuhrer Walker added votes to the count in order to get his crony on the bench. Fuhrer Walker also interfeared with state recall elections of republican't senators and congressmen. Apparently Fuhrer Walker destroyed votes that would had lead to more Republican'ts loosing their jobs. There is a Recall Vote for Fuhrer Walker... Lets hope that the good people of Wisconsin will finally throw this Dictator out of office once and for all.

President Obama is not with-out shame too. In 2011 he forced the Congress to extend disasterous payroll tax cuts. This reduced the amount of money going to Social Security and thus it has placed all those who receive Social Security and Disability in danger. Obama has proven how big a coward he is by rolling over and walking lock step with the Teabaggers in the house in order to raise the debt ceiling. He caved into their demands for a Supercommittie which as we now know failed miserably. Obama caved into the Teabaggers demands not to shut down Get-mo thus this has resulted in Obama the coward breaking a major campaign pledge to the Citizens who voted for him. Obama has done very little outside ending Don't Ask Don't tell in helping the Civil Rights of Gays. Obama has done nothing to help Abortion Clinics thus more stringent laws against abortion have gone into effect.

In 2011 we also saw several Teabaggers attempt to run for President of the United States. One, Herman Cain has dropped out. All these candidates are united in their call to end Social Security and Disability and to throw the Elderly and Disabled out into the cold. So far from watching their debates, I can say that I am totally unimpressed with any of the Teabaggers. God help us if any of the Teabaggers gets elected President of the United States.

2011 also saw an rise of the power of the Fundamentalist Reconstructionist Dominionist Church. The Fundamentalist have called for days of disobedience toward the IRS, and have called for all Christians (Democrats who are Christian, Liberals who are Christian need not apply they say) to sign the so-called Manhattan Declaration which was suppose to have 1 million signatures but so far has not reached that level. Obama has totally failed in policing the Church. The IRS has done nothing to investigate the electioneering of the Church as well.

Finally, its just possible that 2011 might be called the last year of the Internet... Right now, the dismal Congress is taking up two bills, PIPA which is designed to shut down IP addresses which might one day carry pirated downloads of Copyrighted material and SOPA which will kill the internet. Both of these measures are supported by the big wig Movie Studios, the big wig Recording studios, all the television networks (Which is why we are getting unfair coverage of SOPA and PIPA) and by the RIAA and MPAA. I have called for a total Boycott against all of them.

God help us if PIPA and SOPA are passed into law. It will be the end of the Internet.

Let us hope 2012 will be known as the best year on the planet. Keep fighting PIPA and SOPA, call and write your congressmen and remind them that you vote and that they are suppose to represent you not the RIAA or MPAA or big business.

Happy New Year. May God Bless us all......

EDIT : Yep I saw where I put 2012 instead of 2011 :)

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