Looking at the Insanity that's in Politics, the world. The Views, Opinions and Commentary of Magnum Serpentine.

Monday, December 19, 2011

And they call it a Tax Increase

A lot of people are upset with the Republican't house for failing to walk Lock-Step with Obama and The Senate Republican'ts in keeping a cut in the Payroll Tax. I am hoping it does not pass because a lot of people depend on the Payroll Tax.

Citizens, nothing is going to change. All that will happen is that Payroll Taxes will return to normal levels. Those payroll taxes are used to pay Social Security, Disability etc.

I believe this congress needs to pass a Massive Tax Increase on Billionares and Trillionares. Afterall many companies go with-out paying taxes at all. Some Billionare companies received a Tax Refund. Can you imagine, a company that makes tens of billions of dollars receiving a refund.

As I have said, The Congress needs to stop taking money from the Disabled, the Elderly and the Poor and instead take money from the Military, the Billionares and Trillionares and Wall Street.

Taxes should be increased on those who have so much money that if they started spending 100,000 dollars an hour they will still have billions when they pass away.... Thats too much money in my opinion.

It is true, our nation is broken, and maybe its time for a New Political Party to arise.

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