Looking at the Insanity that's in Politics, the world. The Views, Opinions and Commentary of Magnum Serpentine.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Turning points in War.

It can be said, that in the history of Warfare, that there is the one battle that turned around a war and allowed a side that was loosing, to win massively.

For the Civil War it was Gettysburg and Vicksburg. Both victories for the Union Meant the End of the Confederacy.

World War One, the Turning point for that war was the entry of the United States of America. The USA almost single handed defeated both Austria and Germany.(This is my opinion of what turned the tide of war in WW 1 others will list battles but I think it was the entry of the USA in 1917)

For World War Two it was the Battle of Midway, the Normandy Invasion and Stalingrad.

For President Obama it was the victory of winning the Payroll Tax. Because after his victory, he went on to loose almost 70 million Disabled and Elderly voters. The Elderly and Disabled voted for the Republican Challenger because of the disasterous cuts to the Payroll Tax stressed Social Security.

So what Obama thinks is a major Tactical Victory is nothing of a sort. It is the beginning of the end of his administration and on 20 January 2013 he will stand aside as the Republican Challenger takes the oath of office because Obama was stupid enough to offend 70 Million Elderly and Disabled voters.

No this is not an endorsement for President, its just telling it like it is.

Yesterday, I gave the Shame on You award to Wolf Blitzer, The Mainstream Media and President Obama. I have decided that this action of taking money from Social Security to give the nation a Tax Break warrants me to make President Obama, 23 December 2011's Sole winner of the Shame on You Award.

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