Looking at the Insanity that's in Politics, the world. The Views, Opinions and Commentary of Magnum Serpentine.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Additional thoughts on NRLC naming the defeat of Obama as their top goal.

Over the last few days I have been thinking about the announcement by the National Right to Life committee in their decision to make the defeat of President Obama their number one goal.
Now. Well If I was someone who had given millions of dollars to NRLC I would be very concerned with this development. First of all the donors to this group gave their money to developing alternatives to Abortion. Now they discover their contributions are going to be used for a purely political situation. There are a great many Democrats who are pro life and I bet they did not give money to NRLC to defeat Obama.
This is a great shameful act. NRLC should stick with fighting abortion not President Obama. Also I believe, in my opinion, in declaring that Obama is their number one goal, they have violated 501c3. That's the non-profit clause. For this reason I hope the IRS gets involved and if NRLC has indeed violated 501c3 I hope the IRS strips NRLC of their Tax Exempt status.
I seriously wonder if the leaders of the National Right To Life Committee ever gave thought that there are people who donated to them that like President Obama and regularly give money to support the President? NRLC say that Obama is the worse president when it comes to the defeat of Abortion. So what! Abortion is a very private matter that I feel should be decided between the person thinking about Abortion and God. No Government, no fringe group should ever interfere with this decision ever.

So this is my opinion: Using donations, that were meant to go to providing alternatives to Abortion, to defeat President Obama morally wrong, and it might be legally wrong. We shall see if the IRS decides to stop hiding and actually look into this. Who knows? The IRS may decide that this is ok. I do think that NRLC should rethink this and not use donated monies to defeat Obama but use those moneys that were specifically targeted to this cause.

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