Citizens United V FEC
This was the worst case and worse decision ever of the history of the United States Supreme Court. Let me explain why this decision by bought off John Roberts is so bad. First, This decision now allows Corporations to buy off Candidates. The Candidates no longer have to worry about the Citizen and their vote. All they have to worry about is how much money is coming their way from Corporate Mongrels. Second this decision lets the church control candidates. The Church can donate money to a candidate and the world would not be able to find out about it because Supreme Court Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts made sure that all donations made after this Dread Scott type ruling were untraceable. The Church's allies in Congress could be counted on to make sure laws would not be passed that would reverse this sinister evil twisted law. (The Church in this case is the Fundamentalist Reconstructionist Dominist Church which is Christian in name only. They are barely Christian.) Finally, the Mafia would be able to buy off candidates because, thanks to Evil John Roberts, the money donated to candidates is untraceable. Now John Roberts has allowed the Mafia to control elections. Many Fundies want to make sure donations to causes like Prop 8 in California would go untraceable. However, in allowing such actions, Allows the Mafia to buy out candidates and make them do their will. In asking for a blackout on who gives to what, the Church allies itself with the Mafia. Yes they do.
To top himself, United States Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts then declared that Corporations are Human Beings. Not only is this incompetence, not only is this declaration that Corporations are Human wrong, it goes against the teaching of Jesus Christ. Christ said non animate objects do not have the same rights as man and I believe that Christ even forbade treating objects like buildings, corporations etc the same as someone would treat a human being. So by making this twisted decision, John Roberts has gone against God's word.
We are seeing the extreme harm that John Roberts has done to the Election system in the 2012 election. Already so-called Super Pacs, are making ads with unlimited funding and they do not have to report a damn thing to anyone. Many fundies say that Labour Unions are able to do the same thing. I say, no they are not. Labour Unions do not have anywhere near the same amount of cash as the Billionares and Trillionares.
The only good thing about this whole matter is that Courts have ruled against the Fundamentalist church, on the State level, and ordered full disclosure of who gave what to causes like Prop 8 in California. Full disclosure also prevents the Mafia from giving money to a candidate because if they give money to a candidate everyone will know that so and so candidate is a pawn of the Mob.
To end this draconian Citizens United ruling, we must get congressmen and senators elected that will 1) Reverse totally Citizens United and 2) Will Impeach John Roberts and his gang for making such an incompetent decision as Citizens United.
And thats my Opinion and Commentary on this matter. Thank you for reading.
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