Looking at the Insanity that's in Politics, the world. The Views, Opinions and Commentary of Magnum Serpentine.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Spotlight: My plan for ending the Debt with-out harming Social Security and other social programs.

My plan for fixing the Budget of the United States

My plan is quite simple. I Identify the problem then I solve the problem. And the problem with our economy is that one division of Government is robbing from all the other divisions. This Division has the Neo-Cons on its side, It demands equipment that is not needed and pretty much useless. It also hides behind a shield of secrecy.

My Plan for Reducing the deficit is simple. We must reduce our over bloated, military industrial complex military defense budget which is now about 3 trillion dollars a year.

Yes you heard me right, 3 Trillion.

That's 3,000,000,000,000 written out.

You say, the Government says the budget is closer to 700 Billion a year. They are not counting the top secret projects like all those classified Defense projects, projects that are hidden from public view. Think Area 51, and other test fields for our advance fighters. Also a lot of contract money is not included in the 700 Billion budget. Then there are the emergency request to fund the unfunded wars that George Bush got us in.

The Heritage Foundation says the Military plays no part in the deficit. They are wrong. The two unfunded wars destroyed the budget and pretty much crashed our economy. Also, we are trying to rule the world it seems.

As I have always said the United States is not the Policeman of the World. If we stopped being the policeman of the world, we would save hundreds of billions of dollars a year for the budget. Closing down the military bases found in other nations would save 1 trillion a year also.

Another leach on our budget is the unfunded, Massive Tax Cuts for Billionares and Trillionares. As you all know we had a massive surplus, our budget was balanced all because of the good work of President William Clinton.

The moment the Acting President George Bush came into office, he destroyed the surplus. The Greatest way he did this was to give 9/10ths of the surplus to the Billionares and Trillionares in the form of a massive Tax Cut.

Ending the Bush tax cut would pretty much bring in our budget to a balance.

So here is my plan:

1. Reduce the Department of Defense Budget to 50 Billion a year, and not one penny more. This includes secret spending and classified projects. In other words everything remotely linked to Defense must not drive the defense budget over 50 billion a year.
Only when we declare war on a Real Nation will we issue emergency funds for the Military. The War On Terror should be handled by the FBI. They did a very good job on arresting terrorist in the past. They got the Oklahoma City Bomber and the bombers of the basement of the WTC. The Military has no place going after criminal syndicates.

Savings: 3 Trillion Dollars.

2. End the Department of Homeland security
For 230 years or more the United States did not need a Gestople. Yes Gestople... Let's call Homeland Defense what it is, the Gestople.

Savings: 500 Billion a year.

3. End the disastrous Tax Cuts for Billionares and Trillionares.

Savings: 2 Trillion Dollars

4. Tax Churches.

Yes, I said Tax Churches and Christian Organizations that are currently on Non-Profit status. The reason is simple. They are trying to get their flocks as they are known, to vote for the candidate that is supported by the pastor or leaders of the Family Rights Movement.

If the church wants to keep their non-profit status, Get TOTALLY out of Politics Cold Turkey. Do not even get involved in local Government, State Government etc.

Taxing the Churches would get us at least 300 Billion A year.

5. Tax those who make over 500 Million Dollars a year, 65%. Also tax their net worth as well. If they are worth 500 million, 65% luxury Tax.

Doing these things will get us out of the deficit and at the same time we will not have to cut social programs like Welfare and our Social Safety net like Social Security.

By the way, Social Security, Disability, Medicare and Medicaid are not Entitlements.

About the 3 trillion defense budget. This is from estimates that I have read elsewhere on the web. It is clear that the Defense is hiding a lot of its budget and I estimate they are getting more money than advertised.

I will probably improve this list later on, but for now this is the final proposal.

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