To you, the Citizens of our great nation of the United States, Think Carefully... Right now, jobs are hard to find and times are extremely difficult. However, have you ever thought that the reason times are hard is because the Republican's are making it that way.
We know that Banks and many large corporations are Fundamentalist. Infact the Healthcare Industry are the ones who started the so-called Tea Party in the first place.
Remember when President Obama started office, Mitch McConnell said the Republican't parties platform for 2009-2013 was to make sure Obama was a one term president.
Please note: McConnell did not say they would help Americans find Jobs. He did not say that fixing the economy or bringing to justice those who caused this mess was their priority.
McConnell said defeating Obama was the only objective of the Republican't Party. Notice that he did not make Jobs the Priority. He did not make helping Home Owners with their payments a Priority.
I suspect the Banks and Many corporations have helped McConnell by locking away vast sums of money and by not hiring and by moving jobs overseas. They did this in order to wreck the economy and bring down Obama.
In other words, you, the voter, were sacrificed in the name of making Obama a one term president. I would be a bit mad at the Republican't Party if I were you!!!!!!!
Above all else, I would never vote for Mitt Romney or any of the Teabaggers running for President simply because Romney has came out very often and said that Vacations steal from Employers, retirement makes people Slothful, and that All people should work despite their disability and that people should work till they die. Many of the Teabag candidates have stated that if someone can no longer work they should move in with their children or parents and stop being a leach on the rest of hard working America.
This is why I will never vote for Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, and the rest of the Tea Bag field. I will also not vote for Rick Santorum because he is a racist bigot who feels that Citizens should not receive food stamps because they are too fat. After reading what Rick Santorum has said about African Americans, I now expect Rick Santorum to show up at an interview dressed in KKK robes.
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