Romney won by loosing 60% of New Hampshire. He won with just 40%. I love how MSNBC and CNN are crowing that this is a major victory. Its no such thing.
Then I heard his dribble at the end of Romney's victory rant... and I was totally shocked to hear this:
"I am not the Benefits President. If you want a president that defends benefits, Social Security etc, I am not your President." Said Mitt Romney.
Ladies and Gentlemen, our most vulnerable have never been in so much danger as now. Romney also said that the Citizens of this Nation do not deserve care from Cradle to grave.
Mitt Romney hates the Elderly, Disabled and Poor. If Romney were to win in November, I fear greatly for our Disabled Citizens and our Elderly Senior Citizens. Romney has proven he hates them.
In 2012, Vote President Obama, The Safety and life of our Grandparents depends on it. Vote Obama, Save Grandma Do it now!!!
Mitt Romney, Winner, Shame on you Award 11 January 2012.
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