After the problems with SOPA and how our dear leader, Diane Black supported this dismal law that will kill the Internet, I will be doing all I can to make sure Diane Black's next job is in Murfreesboro, Smyrna or some other town in her soon to be former congressional district. Ms. Black is a danger to the Internet. She also is not representing her district at all. She signed a pledge with Grover Norquist and thus she represents his district on Wall Street instead of Murfreesboro. I do feel sorry for those down in Murfreesboro because Diane Black refuses to represent them at all.
This is what you get when a Congressional or Political candidate signs a no tax pledge, (Thus becoming the slave of Grover Norquist) or the Protect Marriage Pledge (Thus becoming the slave of the Family Rights Movement) or the Personhood USA Pledge. People who sign pledges do not represent their district. They represent the person holding the Pledge. If I were a person who lived in a district where the Congressional Rep signed a pledge I would be extremely upset.
Diane Black signed the Personhood Pledge, the No Tax Pledge and the Protect Marriage Pledge so she owes her loyalty to those who created the pledge. They say they sign the pledge to help their own voters but that's so much crap. In Murfreesboro the people want to increase Taxes on those who are the Billionares and the Trillionares. Diane Black responds by saying those voters are misguided and that she will honor her contract with the No Tax People. She totally ignores those who put her in office. Then again, since the criminal John Roberts declared that Non-Living beings have the same Constitutional Rights as people, those who put her in office bought her off via massive campaign contributions from secret PACs etc.
In 2012, lets send Diane Black and all the other Tea Baggers like her home. Lets send her a Pink Slip proclaiming that she is FIRED!!!!
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