There is one and only one nation in the World that strictly regulates the content on Television. The United States. The reason for this is because of the Fundamentalist Reconstructionist Dominionist Church
Today, the FCC was taken to the Supreme Court, by the Broadcast networks, in order to defend its church created decency mandates.
The networks argued that 99% of content considered indecent is already being shown in homes via Cable Television.
I couldn't agree more with the position of the Broadcast Networks. Children today are already seeing what the Church is trying to block via over the air broadcast. The Children are seeing it on Cable.
And as I said, the United States of America is the ONLY nation that bans swear words and Strong Content from its over the air broadcast.
However. I do not feel the Supreme Court will give this case the fairness it should simply because John Roberts is not neutral as he should be. He constantly votes for the position of the church and big business. Let us not forget Citizens United Ruling. If this case were to get a fair hearing, Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts should had stepped aside and not heard the case. The other 4 Republican Judges should had done the same.
Instead Roberts will once again make an unfair ruling in favor of his Masters at the Fundamentalist Church and in Big Business. One cannot help but wonder if Chief Justice Roberts is taking payoffs from them as well.
Winner of the Liar Liar Pants on Fire Award for Lying and allowing Special Interest control his court, John Roberts.
(EDIT: Yes this is a major Re-Write. )
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