Apparently its Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. Ron Paul who for a while was leading the Caucuses comes in third. There is a tie for first which is something else.
I really didn't expect much from this race. It was clear that a Republican't would win. Looks like a Hard Right Candidate and a far out Fundamentalist Reconstructionist Dominionist Candidate won. Romney has fewer problems than the rest of the pack of jackals. Just like the rest of the pack, Romney hates the elderly and Social Security. However, Rick Santorum let it be known that he hates African Americans (Even though he later retracted this). Rick Santorum is one of those Fundamentalist who feels that people should never retire and that all of society should not leach off the billionares and trillionares. Of course we cannot forget that Santorum had his kids enrolled in a Virginia School, during his tenure as a Senator, and yet had those same kids listed as being from Pennsylvania. Santorum later corrected this but still its right there. Also Santorum tried to make free public weather data unfree. He wanted to lock it behind a wall and have companies, like his Accuweather be the only ones who could give out Weather Data, for a price. Rick Santorum is corrupt to the core. He often bashes Gays, Women, and non Fundamentalist. He feels the freedom of Religion is Freedom to worship the Fundamentalist religion which by the way, is barely Christianity.
I fear a Rick Santorum presidency. First, Santorum is of a mind that people should pay for medical service, that way they will not use it as often.Yes, it appears that Santorum feels Americans use Health Care way too much. Mr. Santorum, I believe I would leave that to the Doctors not some jack ass of a Presidential Candidate from Pennsylvania. This is not just Santorums view but a majority view of the Republican't Party. It is also the same view of the Corporate Teabaggers. Also, Rick Santorum feels people should work till they die. No time off, no vacation. Those are reserved for the Billionares and Trillionares. If you can no longer work a job, according to jack ass Santorum, You go get another job similar to a Wal-Mart Greeter. And by the way, do your own job hunting don't depend on Government helping you. Here in is another talent of the Fundamentalist Teabaggers like Jack Ass Santorum. Santorum feels people depend on the Government too much. A Santorum Presidency might just see an end to Social Security, Social Security Disability, SSI, and a host of other needed programs that help the poor. Rick Santorum would not mind seeing the Elderly living in the streets, because if they are unwilling to work then they deserve nothing from society.
Rick Santorum ties with Mitt Romney in White Iowa. This should be the head line. For it is very interesting in all the screen shots of those Caucuses, I saw only White People. No Cherokees, No African Americans, Just WASP Teabaggers.
In 2012, lets not vote for Rick Santorum. Because your Grandmothers live just might be in danger if Santorum gets his way and ends, cold turkey, Social Security.
Rick Santorum, Winner of 4 January 2012 Shame on you Award.
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